STATEMENT: Steward Medical Group Wins Unanimous Verdict On All 18 Counts In Compass Medical Lawsuit

BOSTON--()--A Suffolk County jury today awarded Steward Medical Group over $20 million in damages and interest against Compass Medical Group P.C., a Quincy, Massachusetts-based medical practice. In response to the unanimous verdict on all 18 counts, Herbert Holtz, Steward Medical Group’s lead counsel, issued the following statement:

We are grateful to the jury and not surprised by this outcome. After Compass presented to the court for three weeks and Steward for three days, the jury verdict was decided in four hours as the facts were clearly on our side in this case. On all 18 counts, the jury sided in favor of Steward and fully rejected all of Compass’s claims – finding Compass guilty of false billing, intentionally misrepresenting and defrauding Steward of millions of dollars, and manipulating staffing levels.

While this lawsuit was pursued by a few business executives at Compass, Steward and many Compass physicians look forward to continuing a productive partnership to deliver high-quality care at a sustainable cost for the greater Brockton community.”


Josephine Martin


Josephine Martin